Wednesday 9 October 2013

My name is HAPPY

Baru jer dapat presents nie from my frenz... thanks a bunch :) happy sangat !!!
Alhamdulillah... I think I have make a right decision ...
keep reading motivational books although it sometimes make you feel down...

Ismi's Weather forecast : Hi my nama is happy... you can call me happy.... :) 
Ramalan cuaca petang ni Hujan...if yes,sehati sejiwa kah kita? 
Two days of not seeing, bumped, sengaja jumpa or etc with him... but still fm in groups.... today he said :
Sibuk ka tu Hemmmmm adik dah xreply dah...sedih r r r. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Kat wassap confirm dh xreply  Emmm xpa la....ok , drive baik2"
The truth is Is lagi sedih... seperti ramalan hujan petang ni....

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