Wednesday 6 November 2013


Rasa cam terserempak dgn kereta dia pagi tadi... drop his wife... and i? tutup pintu tak rapat and alarm kereta memekak pulak pagi2... jammed ... kalau betul kereta dia, dia nampak aku tak? tgk aku dari jauh?
kenapalah aku tutup pintu tak rapat? why i have to turn back and see the flash of his car? what am i thinking?
sangat moody nak start wednesday class..lepas cuti 5 hari.....
Anyway he just leave the conversation... no news..weird weird...without anyone notice...takkan dia saja nak leave... mesti ada sebab.. he always had the explanation....rasa cam nak tanya and bgtau the others tapi tangan aku terhenti drpd menaip... maybe he just need it.. he need to leave.. so I just let it be...

rasa cam banyak sangat kerja... review papers tak sampai pun lagi 10!!!!
next week kena kursus..dah la ambil time kelas...tempat kelas pun diambilnya juga...hampeh..
planning aku tuk 2 minggu ke depan terpaksa dirombak semula...aaargghhh malas lagi nak fikir..
try to focus to my literature reviews... tapi sebab lagu ni yg aku nak dengar...i cannot focus... urrggghhhh


Ismi's weather forecast : tiba2 sangat suka dengar lagu ni berulangkali... tapi tiba2 gak rasa sedih.... errmmmmmm Is it because I'm still hoping? hoping for what?

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